BLACKFACE When IS blackface appropriate? 😉 It’s not listed among Greg’s theater credits, THE LAST MINSTREL SHOW, which starred DellaReese and was slated for Broadway. But after out of town runs in Delaware and Philadelphia,we never arrived at our slated opening at the Helen Hayes Theater. (I still have that NY Timesfull page ad announcing… Continue reading BLACKFACE
Month: November 2023
After a meeting on Wilshire, I stop by a RiteAid on LaBrea before heading back to thevalley. It’s one of those weird ones (I guess in high crime neighborhoods) that keep their liquorunder lock and key. I sigh and return to the front for a manager to open the display case. She’s a little agitated…as… Continue reading JUST A HOLLYWOOD AFTERNOON
Arose at 4 to play nine holes at sunrise before the heat got busy. Driving to Woodley,the sky was glorious! Violets, pinks, grays, golds, blues…hadn’t seen that in years! Off at6:30, shot an eclectic 43 on Woodley’s back nine. Meaning scruffed shot, BRILLIANT approach.Topped drive, EXQUISITE recovery! Sliced drive, LASER-LIKE pitch. Lousy chip, SINKS a… Continue reading MORE RELATIVITY
 So, David Katz. Was able to legally purchase at least two handguns in Baltimore, Md alongwith ammunition. Was legally able to possess both. Was able to travel from Maryland toFlorida in possession of two pistols and ammunition (presumably by car, I HOPE he wasn’tallowed to fly in!) Was able to enter the venue in possession… Continue reading RELATIVITY AND SELF INDULGENCE
A GOOD GUY WITH A GUN. Scot Peterson. What a fateful name. Not the wife-killer Scott Peterson, now on death row…but one t less. He is the now exposed armed resource guard who was present, even as the shootings in Florida took place. So now we have the mythical “good guy with a gun” that… Continue reading A GOOD GUY WITH A GUN
This reportage on accusations against a Seal Team Commander (and our CIC’s interferencein the UCMJ) is troubling and dispiriting for several reasons. Elite units are regarded as suchbecause of their physical and mental standards and their exacting training. Apart from Delta,there is no unit ( publicly acknowledged) any more elite than our Navy Seal Teams.… Continue reading PROBING THE MINEFIELD
In the midst of global strife and domestic contentiousness, today I am feeling a lingering sadness at the passing of Matthew Perry. I didn’t know him personally but did spend a few days in his company while filming an episode of FRIENDS, years ago. By that time, the show’s success had made the entire cast… Continue reading MATTHEW
I’m thinking tonite, even as I watch our traditions vanish into mist, that I have memories of classic imagery few if any of you will ever know. You see, I sailed from New York to Genoa and back…and to Southampton and back, in the days when most trips to Europe were done by sea rather… Continue reading LADY LIBERTY