I have just returned from an evening at the DGA (Directors Guild of America) honoring one of my oldest and dearest friends in this world, Oz Scott.  I say oldest meaning duration, for I am several years older.  To be present for this event has been unspeakably satisfying for me, to see SO MANY accomplished artists gathered to acknowledge a friend, a mentor, an artistic guide, a fucking MENSCH, ok?  😊


Oz and his wife Lynne have created family for ever so many of us in this business. Their generosity and kindness are singular in my lifetime.  In truth I’ve not been well of late.  I arrived, chose to meditate in the parking lot…and considered returning home.  Did NOT want my own infirmity to distract from this ever so well-deserved recognition.  I was accompanied by a dear friend for some years, who was understanding and forgiving of my frailties.  She let me know whatever I chose or needed was OK.  Such companions in this life are a gift.

I’ve watched the children of Lynne and Oz (Brittany and Ozzie Jr grow up to become accomplished professionals in their own right in this industry!  Google him.  You’ve seen his work much of your lives.  I have been fortunate during my life.  I am blessed to have had connections to such authentic, generous human beings during this passage.

All Hail!  Proud to know him and be known by him.

P.S. I should mention that for the past years and more, EVERY Thursday evening, a group of artists connected to OZ have joined a Zoom conversation! From all over America and the world, differing time zones, we laughed, teased, reminisced, debated, discussed culture, art, politics, LIFE. That’s who Oz is to those of us fortunate enough to know him.

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